Date:  04 August 2016






That we  M/S. ………………………………………………….. with postal address at post. Box. No ………….Dubai, UAE, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of Dubai, UAEwith do hereby appoint M/S  SUGAM OVERSEAS PVT LTD. SAMAKHUSHI, KATHMANDU, NEPAL, LIC. No. 838-066/067, a recruitment agency approved by the Government of Nepal Ministry of Labor and Transport Management, vide Registration to be our true lawful attorney and agent in Nepal respect of handling all the affairs with the protector of Emigrants, Government of Nepal and sign all required documents by the said officers in connection with the recruitment of all Persons against visas as per attached list for employment with us and to arrange all matters relating to emigration, etc.


This power of attorney is made in relation to our Demand Letter dated  04 Aug 2016 in the presence of the subscribing witnesses.


For and On behalf of


For  M/S.  …………………………………………………..


Managing Director


Date: 04 August 2016




LIC. No. 838-066/067

          Mob. 00977-9851009946


Dear Sir/Madam

We request you to select and recruit the following suitable personnel for our company from Nepal as per the details given below.


No. Category No. of workers Salary (AED) Salary (in words)



General workers 500 1000 One Thousand Dirhams Only


The following Terms & conditions shall be included in the contract.


  1. Period of employment : Two years (renewable)
  1. Place of Employment : UAE
  2. Air Ticket : For Joining the Company for the first time

(KTM-Dubai) and then Up & down air ticket will

Provided after the completion of two years


  1. Working Hour : 8 hrs per day, 6 days per week (48 hrs per week)
  2. Over time : As per UAE labor law.
  3. Probation Period : 90 days from date of entry into UAE
  4. Resident permit : Resident permit will be provided by the company

free of the cost.

  1. Accommodation : Free bachelor accommodation should be

Provided by the company

  1.  Water, electricity & gas : Provided by the company
  2. Food : Provided by the company for free of cost.
  3. Medical / Insurance : Provided by the company
  4. Transportation (Bus) : Provided by the company (to and from the work site)
  5. Uniform, and safety Materials : Provided by the company
  6.  Work Visa                                    : Provided by the company (without any cost)


  1. Agency service charge                      : will not provided
  2. All Other Term & Conditions           : As per UAE labor law


Yours Faithfully,



Managing Director


Date :  04 August 2016


The Director General,

Department of Foreign Employment




Subject : Letter of Guarantee


Dear Sir,


We,  M/S.  ………………………………………………….. P.O.Box: ………….., Dubai, UAE, hereby guarantee that all Nepalese workers recruited through our agent  M/S SUGAM OVERSEAS PVT LTD. SAMAKHUSHI, KATHMANDU, NEPAL, LIC. No. 838-066/067, Mob. +00977 9851009946 will be working in our company in Dubai,  only throughout their contract period.


We further guarantee that these workers will not be sent to work in any other establishment or any third country during the paid of contract.


Thank you for your kind co-operation.


Signature :


Managing Director

M/S.  …………………………………………………..


Date:  04 August 2016


Inter party Recruitment Agreement


This agreement made and entered into by and between  M/S. ………………………………………………….., duly registered under the laws of Dubai, UAE, with business address at P.O.Box: ………….., Dubai, UAE and represented by Mr. ……………………  in his capacity as Managing Director,  herein after referred to as the FIRST PARTY.


M/S SUGAM OVERSEAS PVT LTD. SAMAKHUSHI, KATHMANDU, NEPAL, LIC. No. 838-066/067, Mob. +00977 9851009946 A Company duly registered to deploy manpower from Nepal and existing under the Laws of Nepal, with business address at Samakhushi, Katmandu, Nepal, and represented by  Mr. D.P.(Dillip) Bhattarai in his capacity as Managing Director herein after referred to as the SECOND PARTY.




  1. That the SECOND PARTY will make all the arrangement to supply manpower from Nepal, as per the request and specification of FIRST PARTY.
  2. FIRST PARTY will recruit workers from Nepal through SECOND PARTY for his company.
  3. FIRST PARTY will agree to appoint SECOND PARTY   as its legal representative in Nepal for the purpose of supplying manpower (Nepali Workers) for his company and will provide all the required documents such as Power of Attorney, Demand Letter and Contract Agreement for the selected workers.
  4. SECOND PARTY will be completely responsible to bring selected manpower from Nepal to Dubai-UAE and will guarantee for three months. During this period if any of the deployed workers found to be medically unfit, refused to work and got home sick, SECOND PARTY will bear all the expenses for repatriating the said workers back to his/her home country and make replacement free of charges.
  5. FIRST PARTY will provide free visa for all the selected workers.
  6. FIRST PARTY will provide free accommodation & transportation for the selected workers here in Dubai as per the prevailing Labour Law of the state of UAE & its own rules.
  7. The First party will provide all the facilities incorporated in the demand letter to all the selected workers as per the Company rules.
  8. FIRST PARTY will make all the arrangements to receive all the selected workers within 25 days of issuing them the entry visa to UAE.
  9. This agreement takes effect upon signing thereof by both the parties concerned.
  10. Air ticket will be provided by FIRST PARTY for the first time joining from KTM to Dubai. And also provided after the completion of contract period.
  11. 1st party will not pay any service charge to second party will take from candidates as per  Nepal govt. rules.



By:   FIRST PARTY                                                                                    SECOND PARTY.

Name : ………………………….            Name: Mr D.P.(Dillip) Battarai

General  Manager                   ( Managing Director)



Signature:………            Signature:…….



Date:  04 August  2016




This agreement is made and entered into the day………………… of  M/S.  ………………………………………………….. P.O Box. …….Dubai, UAE( herein after called the company in his capacity as first party) through our lawful attorney present in Nepal.


Mr……………………………………………….Nationality…………:Nepali, with passport No:……………………..Place of issue: Kathmandu in his capacity as the Second party.

The second party agreed to work with the First party as …………………………….in the occupation and Basic Salary: AED:………   Per month and agreed on the terms & conditions.

For your prior to the below mentioned terms and conditions of the contract are as follows:

  1. Period of employment : Two years renewable contract.
  2. Working Hours : 8 hours per day & 6 days per week.
  3. Accommodation : Provided by the company.
  4. Food Allowance : Provided by the company for free of cost.
  5. Air ticket : Joining air ticket from Nepal to Dubai (UAE) is to shouldered by the employer & also Company will provide return air ticket after the completion of two years contract.
  6. Transportation : Provided by the Company.
  7. Medical & Insurance : Free medical treatment provided by the Company.
  8. Overtime :          As per UAE labour Law of Basic salary.
  9. Annual Leave : 21 Days per year.
  10. Resident Permit : Provided by the Company.
  11. Other term & conditions : As per UAE labor law.


First Party       Second Party


 …………………………………………………..                   Candidates signature                                                                                 Managing director.                                                                                                                                  

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Sugam Overseas Pvt. Ltd.

  • Sugam Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
  • Tokha-10 Samakhusi (Ring Road) Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Phone: +977-1-4987183/ +911-1-4986101
  • Mobile: 00977-9851009946, 9813492755, 9856032374